Bangladesh has been lauded by the United Nations as well as the international development community as the epitome for socio-economic gains achieved under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). This indicates that Bangladesh is well positioned to emerge as a global thought leader with regard to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals as well. Most success in attaining the SDGs will rest, in part, on how well efforts can be guided and where resources are directed. For a Government to plan and monitor the impact of its policies, it must be able to benchmark data and see year on year progress. An effective, widely used, comprehensive SDG monitoring framework will provide essential support in order to achieve the SDGs. Creation of monitoring mechanism is important for reliable assessment of progress towards SDGs. The SDG Tracker is therefore intended to create an online data repository for accurately monitoring implementation of various initiatives in line with the SDGs leading to efficient resource allocation and effective policy making for inclusive and sustainable development.

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), Statistics and Informatics Division (SID) in partnership with the Cabinet Division and the Prime Minister's Office- in collaboration with General Economics Division (GED) of Planning Commission and other government and private stakeholders, designed and developed SDG Tracker where Aspire to Innovate (a2i) Programme of ICT Division provides the technological and knowledge support. This SDG Tracker aimed at creating a data repository for monitoring the implementation of SDGs, strengthening timely data collection and improving situation analysis and performance monitoring of achieving the SDGs along with other national development goals.