Indicator Information

Indicators 14.5.1: Coverage of protected areas in relation to marine areas

Goal Type SDG
Goal 14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Targets 14.5 - By 2020, conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine are as, consistent with national and international law and based on the best available scientific information
Indicators 14.5.1 : Coverage of protected areas in relation to marine areas
Data Source (1) DoE, MoEFCC (2) Bangladesh Forest Department (BFD), MoEFCC (3) DoF, MoFL
Unit %
Data Frequency Triennial (2015, 2018, 2021)
Meta Data Click Here
Time Period Total/Disaggregation Targets Status ( % )
2015 Total 2.0500
2025(Target) Total 7.00
2030(Target) Total 10.00