Indicator Information

Indicators 16.1.1: Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population, by age group and sex

Goal Type SDG
Goal 16 - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Targets 16.1 - Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere
Indicators 16.1.1 : Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100,000 population, by age group and sex
Data Source BP, MoHA
Unit Per 100,000
Data Frequency Annual (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)
Meta Data Click Here
Time Period Total/Disaggregation Targets Status ( Per 100,000 )
Total 1.9400
Male 3.1000
Female 0.7600
2016 Total 1.7200
2017 Total 1.6500
2018 Total 1.5500
Total 1.3900
Male 2.1000
Female 0.6700
Total 1.3300
Male 0.9970
Female 0.3350
Age 0-14 years 0.0000
Age 15-24 years 0.0000
Total 1.4300
Male 2.1100
Female 0.7700
Relation of victim and penetrator 5128.0000
Spouse 310.0000
Other Family Member 883.0000
Acquaintance 2753.0000
Siblings 228.0000
Spouse’ family member 778.0000
Security force 176.0000
Means of Preparation 2486.0000
Firearm 89.0000
Blunt Object 589.0000
Sharp object 1037.0000
Manual attack 713.0000
Poison 58.0000
Situational context/motivation 2134.0000
Organized crime 1095.0000
Domestic violence 997.0000
Gun fight with security force 42.0000
Age 0-14 years 221.0000
Age 15-24 years 596.0000
Age 25-64 years 1318.0000
Age 65 years and older 280.0000
Total 1.4100
Male 2.0800
Female 0.7600
Relation of victim and penetrator 3779.0000
Spouse 283.0000
Other Family Member 692.0000
Acquaintance 1924.0000
Siblings 140.0000
Spouse’ family member 609.0000
Security force 131.0000
Means of Preparation 2441.0000
Firearm 48.0000
Blunt Object 544.0000
Sharp object 905.0000
Manual attack 886.0000
Poison 58.0000
Situational context/motivation 2031.0000
Organized crime 1041.0000
Domestic violence 984.0000
Gun fight with security force 6.0000
Age 0-14 years 240.0000
Age 15-24 years 532.0000
Age 25-64 years 1449.0000
Age 65 years and older 178.0000
2025(Target) Total 1.50
2030(Target) Total 1.00