Indicator Information

Indicators 6.5.1: Degree of integrated water resources management implementation (0-100)

Goal Type SDG
Goal 6 - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Targets 6.5 - By 2030, implement integrated water resources management at all levels, including through trans boundary cooperation as appropriate
Indicators 6.5.1 : Degree of integrated water resources management implementation (0-100)
Data Source WDB, MoWR
Unit %
Data Frequency Triennial (2017,2020,2023)
Meta Data Click Here
Time Period Total/Disaggregation Targets Status ( % )
2018 Total 52.0000
Total 58.0000
Enabling environment 59.0000
National water resources policy, or similar 80.0000
National water resources law(s) 70.0000
National integrated water resources management (IWRM) plans, or similar 70.0000
Sub-national water resources policies or similar 60.0000
Basin/aquifer management plans or similar, based on IWRM 50.0000
Arrangements for transboundary water management 30.0000
Sub-national water resources regulations (laws, decrees, ordinances or similar) 50.0000
Institutions and participation 61.0000
National government authorities for leading IWRM implementation 70.0000
Coordination between national government authorities representing different sectors on water resources, policy, planning and management 60.0000
Public participation in water resources, policy, planning and management at national level 80.0000
Private sector participation in water resources development, management and use 40.0000
Developing IWRM capacity 70.0000
Basin/aquifer level organizations for leading implementation of IWRM 30.0000
Public participation in water resources, policy, planning and management at the local level 70.0000
Participation of vulnerable groups in water resources planning and management 60.0000
Gender included in laws/plans or similar within water resources management 70.0000
Organizational framework for transboundary water management 40.0000
Sub-national authorities for leading IWRM implementation 60.0000
Management instruments 61.0000
National monitoring of water availability (includes surface and/or groundwater, as relevant to the country). 90.0000
Sustainable and efficient water use management from the national level, (includes surface and/or groundwater, as relevant to the country). 60.0000
Pollution control from the national level 50.0000
Management of water related ecosystems from the national level. 60.0000
Management instruments to reduce impacts of water-related disasters from the national level 90.0000
Basin management instruments 40.0000
Aquifer management instruments 40.0000
Data and information sharing within countries at all levels 80.0000
Transboundary data and information sharing between countries 40.0000
Financing 50.0000
National budget for water resources infrastructure (investment and recurrent costs) 80.0000
National budget for IWRM elements (investments and recurrent costs) 70.0000
Sub-national or basin budgets for water resources infrastructure (investment and recurrent costs) 50.0000
Revenues raised for IWRM elements 40.0000
Financing for transboundary cooperation 30.0000
Sub-national or basin budgets for IWRM elements (investment and recurrent costs) 30.0000
Total 64.0000
Enabling environment 66.0000
Institutions and participation 67.0000
Management instruments 67.0000
Financing 57.0000
2025(Target) Total 60.00
2030(Target) Total 70.00