Indicator Information

Indicators 8.5.2: Unemployment rate, by sex, age group and persons with disabilities

Goal Type SDG
Goal 8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Targets 8.5 - By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value
Indicators 8.5.2 : Unemployment rate, by sex, age group and persons with disabilities
Data Source (1) PHC, BBS, SID (2) QLFS, BBS, SID
Unit %
Data Frequency
Meta Data Click Here
Time Period Total/Disaggregation Targets Status ( % )
Male 3.0000
Female 6.8000
15-17 years 10.5000
18-24 years 10.1000
25-29 years 6.7000
30-64 years 1.9000
65+ years 0.9000
Total 4.2000
Male 3.1000
Age Group 15-24 10.1000
Age Group 25-34 3.8000
Age Group 35-44 0.8000
Age Group 45-54 0.8000
Age Group 55+ 0.6000
Female 6.7000
Age Group 15-24 16.8000
Age Group 25-34 9.0000
Age Group 35-44 2.1000
Age Group 45-54 0.9000
Age Group 55+ 0.3000
Total 4.2000
Male 3.1000
Female 6.7000
Total 3.6000
Male 3.6000
Female 3.6000
2025(Target) Total 3.50
2030(Target) Total 2.50