Indicator Information

Indicators NPT 33: Expand the coverage of protected areas in relation to marine areas by 5% (SDG Indicator 14.5.1)

Goal Type National Priority Indicator (39+1)
Goal 14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Targets 14.1 - Expand the coverage of protected areas in relation to marine areas by 5%
Indicators NPT 33 - Expand the coverage of protected areas in relation to marine areas by 5% (SDG Indicator 14.5.1)
Data Source (1) DoE, MoEFCC (2) Bangladesh Forest Department (BFD), MoEFCC (3) DoF, MoFL
Unit Number
Data Frequency Triennial (2015, 2018, 2021)
Meta Data Click Here
Time Period Total/Disaggregation Targets Status ( Number )
2015 Total 2.0500
2025(Target) Total 7.00
2030(Target) Total 10.00